Are you interesting in learning about EXERCISE, NUTRITION, and how to increase your SELF CONFIDENCE? If you answered “YES”... I want to meet you!
— Jordan Flom
Jordan Flom Fitness

What is the Fitness Retreat?

Growing up is hard.  We live in a world where it is easy to feel judged in all aspects of life.  Insecurity is at an all time high and it only seems to be getting worse.  That is why I am so excited to invite you to the Fitness Retreat!  I am looking for 12 males (ages 16-18) who are interested in taking control of their health!  Here's some of the activities each attendee will experience:

  • Personal Training Sessions
    • Great opportunity to learn proper "form" and "techniques" from a certified personal trainer.
  • Nutritional Education
    • Learn how your body responds to all types of food.
  • Cooking
    • Learn "hands on" by actually preparing and cooking your meals.
  • Mindset Coaching
    • Accomplishing your goals is near impossible if you don't have the "proper mindset" and determination to say "NO" to daily temptations or laziness.  We will teach you how to take control of your decisions and find your motivation.
  • Self Confidence
    • Fitness has the ability to increase your self-esteem and make you feel in control of you body.  
    • It's not often you find yourself in a relaxing environment with a 10-12 like minded individuals.  This retreat will be full of GAMES, BEACH VOLLEYBALL, BOATING, HOT TUBING, SAUNA, and so much more!!  

LOCATION: All of these activities take place in an "up north cabin" on the lake!  (Park Rapids, MN) More pictures of the retreat below.

Why am I doing this?

It started when I was in 9th grade... my basketball coach told me I was too "skinny".  That summer I became obsessed with working out!  I started feeling more in "CONTROL" of my self esteem.  The truth is, in most aspects of life, it is hard to feel in control... but with fitness... you CAN!  As long as you are educated with how you approach becoming fit, it is totally up to you what results you experience.  I love this!!  

After I found my passion for fitness, I immediately started sharing it with my friends and family.  Seeing my friend's self confidence increase became my addiction which ultimately led to me becoming a personal trainer.  The fitness retreat is the perfect opportunity to share my passion with YOU!  We will break down all aspects of fitness and make sure you feel equipped to continue the journey once you return home!  



The Fitness Retreat is structured as an ALL INCLUSIVE 2 day retreat.  Food, room and board, training sessions, nutritional evaluation, and mindset coaching are all included for no additional cost.  


Enjoy your personal space?  We've got 5 single rooms available.


Don't mind sharing a room?  Receive a cheaper rate by staying in one of our shared rooms (2-6 per room).  Don't worry, the beds are extremely comfortable and we are confident you will sleep like a baby after all the days festivities. 

BRING A FRIENDHave a friend who also wants to attend?  Sign up together for a discount and you will share a room.  


Have a friend who also wants to attend?  Sign up together for a discount and you will share a room.  

Pricing starting at $299 per person

Apply to attend! 

NExt Retreat: August 12th-14th

(Please note: space is limited so I cannot guarantee attendance)